Overview Active hexose correlated compound (AHCC) is a fermented mushroom extract derived from shiitake mushrooms that is known to provide immune support. Available data suggest that AHCC supplementation affects immune outcomes and immune cell populations—especially natural killer cell activity. Additional human studies are needed, as well as studies to explore the mechanistic rationale for these reported effects. Supplementation studies with AHCC have demonstrated positive effects on immune function in human and animal models, including decreased tumor formation and improved immune function, especially the essential enhancement of the important anti-cancer immune cells, natural...
Male urological conditions
Geo Espinosa, N.D., L.Ac, C.N.S., is a naturopathic doctor recognized as an authority in integrative management of urological and prostate conditions. Dr. Geo is the founder and director of the Integrative Urology Center at NYU Langone Medical Center, and is the co-founder of XY Wellness, a company focused on integrative approaches to improving the health of men diagnosed with serious urological conditions. Dr. Geo is currently writing a book on prostate cancer. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Geo at NYU Langone, please call 646-744-1515.
Dr. Geo Blog
Consulting with "Big Pharma" on ADT
Times are different now with the acceptance of natural and nutritional approaches to health. This morning I had a great conversation with a VP of medical affairs with a pharmaceutical company the produces a Gonadotropin Releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist drug for prostate cancer. GnRH drugs include Leuprolide (Lupron) and Goserelin (Zoladex) and work by reducing Testosterone to zero or almost zero for certain types of prostate cancer. The pharmaceutical company (which will stay anonymous for now) is interested in natural and nutritional approaches to reducing negative side effects from GnRH agonist drugs. Wait... am I in the twilight zone here? A pharmaceutical company wants to know about...
New Articles Regarding Prostate Cancer
I recently authored articles in the Townsend Letter ("The Role of Genetics in Prostate Cancer and Its Clinical Application: Beyond Family History") and Bottom Line Health ("The Best PET Scan for Finding Prostate Cancer Recurrence"). Once I receive the respective publications' approval, I will be posting either web links or downloadable versions here in an updated version of this post. Would you please check back shortly? Thank you. Have a Healthy Day, Dr. Geo
Treating ED with TCM
There are many methods for treating erectile dysfunction and improving vitality in men with natural medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Exercise is all part of it. I had the privilege of co-editing what is likely the number one resource in treating sexual dysfunction with integrative modalities. The Integrative Sexual Health book is part of the Weil library of Integrative medicine books published by Oxford University Press. Today, I will focus on how Traditional Chinese Medicine works in treating erectile dysfunction. Some of the information below is excerpted from the Integrative Sexual Health book written by my colleague, Jillian Capodice. Traditional Chinese Medicine...
Chicken and Prostate Cancer
(Apparently a chicken crossed the road and got Dr. Geo's attention.) I love chicken, I admit. Furthermore, and a bit more embarrassing since I teach and preach health, I love fried chicken – fried drumsticks to be exact. Argh! (that was painful). But I can't remember the last time I had any. Maybe it’s just selective memory. The reason why I don’t have much of the fried hens is that it’s not good for my body, despite the fact I find it tasty. And it is more important to me to not die prematurely. So, I stay away from eating deep fried chicken, most of the times. What if the chicken is not fried? Is it OK to eat? Does eating chicken contribute to prostate cancer? Studies on...
Eggs, Choline and Prostate Cancer
Many studies, not all, have associated egg consumption to aggressive prostate cancer. That’s a doozy since eggs are a staple diet for most and a preferred source of protein for many. Let’s take a look at the scientific data regarding egg consumption and prostate cancer. In The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS), a study observing over fifty thousand male health professionals since 1986 noticed that men who consumed ≥2.5 eggs per week had a 1.8-fold increased risk of developing lethal prostate cancer compared with men who consumed <0.5 eggs per week. However, this study found no association between consumption of eggs and risk of deadly prostate cancer after...
Be a Winner by Staying on your Health Program During the Super Bowl
About the Super Bowl, you are either excited to watch the game and root for your favorite team, looking forward to watching the halftime show with Justin Timberlake or you couldn’t care less about the whole thing. Oh yes, the commercials are a big draw too. Some of you may not even know what the Super Bowl is. Funny enough, at our office an email was sent out with an attachment of the filled out box pool and good luck wishes to whoever wins – one of the physicians replied to all,“Go Pats!” Shortly after a nurse asked in an email reply, “Who’s Pat?” and “Did I win.” LOL! Regardless the reason, more than one hundred million people around the world watch the Super...
Do Dietary Supplements "Work"?
What’s a dietary supplement? The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) defined a dietary supplement as either a vitamin, mineral, herbals and botanicals, amino acids, enzymes that people consume by mouth to supplement a diet in the effort to improve health. They come in the form of capsules, tablet, and powder. 1. Dietary supplements do not replace healthy eating. They complement it. 2. Dietary supplements are not expensive urine. The body uses what it needs then eliminates what it doesn’t through your urine, feces, and sweat. Should we stop drinking water because we pee it out? 3. Dietary supplements do not cure disease. And it’s illegal for unscrupulous companies...
Announcing the 2018 CaPLESS Retreat
The wait is over. With love and enthusiasm, I'd like to announce the next CaPLESS retreat on April 27 - 29, 2018. You may not know the story, but ever since my dad's prostate cancer scare about twenty-six years ago, I have had a vendetta against this disease. My uncles died of prostate cancer. My paternal grandfather did too. In my dad's mind, he was next. Since then I have had a vendetta against prostate cancer. Now more than ever, after having seen thousands of prostate cancer patients, I firmly believe this disease is the perfect wake-up call that helps patients practice habits that can create a hostile environment to cancer and live his best life forward. I am not...
Prostate Cancer: Treating the Terrain
Cancer tumors, for the most part, are not deadly. The spread of cancer is what kills. My patients with prostate cancer who diligently follow the prescribed lifestyle regimen, often do well. Their PSA stabilizes, they lose unwanted weight and experience general well-being. When I’m asked by physician’s how I successfully treat prostate cancer, eager to adopt my protocol, I say, “ I don’t treat prostate cancer. I treat people.” You see, treating prostate cancer with surgery, radiation or focal ablation is only one part of the puzzle. The other critical element is treating the terrain, the host, you. This sound too warm and fuzzy for you? A little hokie pokie for you,...