A great video introduction to acupuncture from Amy Guinther.
Integrative & Holistic Medicine
Our mission is to help you regain wellness by using the time tested techniques of Oriental Medicine, combined with nutritional supplements, lifestyle changes, and functional medicine testing when a deeper look is necessary. Although symptoms are always addressed, our goal is to correct the underlying source of your problems. To schedule an appointment, please call 608-467-9711 or visit us online.
Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine Blog
The Miracle of Magnesium
Many who see me professionally know that one of my favorite supplements to recommend is magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that has become depleted in our soils and food supply leading to widespread deficiency. What does magnesium do? Magnesium is a mineral that is required for 325 enzymatic processes in the body, including the creation of energy by the activation of ATP, our fundamental energy storage molecule. Magnesium is nature’s muscle relaxant. When there is excess calcium in the cell and insufficient magnesium, cramping, twitching and spasms occur. Magnesium also helps to transmit nerve impulses to and from the brain and is required to synthesize protein. Magnesium has been...
Natural Remedies for Heartburn and GERD
One of the most over-prescribed and profitable medications (for Big Pharma) are acid suppressing drugs used to treat heartburn and gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). These strong medications should be used as a short-term therapy (a few weeks) rather than for years as people often do. Long term use of these medications make them difficult to stop, lead to increased susceptibility to infections such as clostridium difficile and pneumonia, and increase the risk arrhythmias and bone fractures due to decreased mineral absorption. Fortunately, there are other safer, healthier and natural solutions to relieve heartburn and GERD. Our Stomach Produces Acid For A Reason Why is the...
Tips to Enhance Immunity
The kids are back at school and a chill is in the air, which means Fall is quickly approaching. The following are my recommendations for staying healthy through the upcoming months. 1. Get Your Vitamin D Checked Vitamin D has been shown to enhance immune function and provide protection against many other conditions. Since Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it should be monitored with blood testing. Healthy levels of Vitamin D should be in the 30-55 ng/mL range. If your levels are low you can replace with it 1000-5000 IU/daily for 8 weeks followed by a retest. Make sure your Vitamin D supplement is D3 (cholecalciferol) rather than Vitamin D2, which is poorly absorbed. Additionally,...